Credential Renewal F.A.Q.

Membership Renewal and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) FAQs

Where is my renewal date located?

  • Your renewal date can be located by logging in to our website and looking just under Welcome (your name!) on the dashboard where it states “Your annual membership expires on…”

  • How much is the renewal fee and where can I pay it?

    • The annual membership renewal fee is $150 and can be paid by logging in to our website and clicking on the “Renew AIHC Membership Now” button on the dashboard or at the top of the Renewals page.

    Why didn’t my renewal date change on the dashboard when I paid my renewal? 

  • The renewal date will update when we manually process your renewal payment. Please allow a few business days for this to occur.

  • How many CEUs do I owe?

  • AIHC® requires 6 CEUs annually per credential. However, if you have certified within the past year, your CEUs may be pro-rated for your first renewal. We also do allow you to “double dip” your CEUs if you have multiple AIHC® credentials.
  • You can see how many CEUs you have earned towards your next renewal by logging in to our website and checking the CEU tracker on the dashboard where it states “Total CEUs earned = …”

  • Where do I find courses for CEUs on your website?

  • Our CEU packages and free CEUs are located on the Renewals page (after logging in) and you can purchase a short course from our Courses page.

  • Where do I find a CEU course I’ve enrolled in?

  • Courses can be found by logging in to our website and scrolling down to the bottom on your dashboard where it says “Your Courses”

  • Can I access older monthly newsletters to earn more Ethics CEUs?

    • We only keep the 2 most recent monthly newsletters available for CEUs at a time. We recommend coming back each month to read our monthly newsletter and earn CEUs.

    Does a CEU package fulfill all my CEUs?

  • Yes, we have created the CEU packages to fulfill all of your CEUs. Just be sure to purchase a CEU package that is indicated for your credential(s).

  • Will my CEUs automatically go into my CEU tracker or do I need to provide the information/certificates?

  • CEUs earned on our website will automatically go into your CEU tracker for your next renewal. You do not need to provide information or certificates regarding AIHC® CEUs.
  • We recommend you print and retain AIHC® Completion CEU Certificates in the event you are chosen for a random CEU audit.

  • Where can I see what CEUs I’ve completed?

  • You can see how many CEUs you have earned towards your next renewal by logging in to our website and checking the CEU tracker on the dashboard where it states “Total CEUs earned = …”
  • Courses do fall off your dashboard under “Your Courses” once your course expiration date has passed so it is important to save or print your completion certificates upon course completion for your records.

  • How many CEUs do I need in each category and how do I know what category my CEUs are good for?

  • We recommend having 2 CEUs in each of the 3 CEU categories (Core, HIPAA, and Ethics).
  • The CEU category/categories each training is good for is listed next to the training title or in the course description and will also be printed on your completion certificate.

  • Can you look at my CEUs and tell me if they are accepted before I pay my renewal fee?

  • Reviews will not be done prior to receiving your annual membership renewal fee.

  • How long will it take to review my CEUs? When will I get a renewed certificate?

  • Please allow 7-10 business days for us to review your CEUs. If your CEUs are sufficient, you will receive an email with your renewed certificate attached. If your CEUs are deficient, you will receive an email letting you know what more is needed and by when.

  • Today is my renewal date, what if my CEUs are not sufficient? Will I owe a fee?

  • We can extend a grace period until the last day of the month after your original renewal date (approximately 30 days).

  • If I have more than one credential, can I apply the same CEU towards both?

  • Yes, we do allow you to “double dip” your CEUs if they are applicable.

  • Why don’t the CEUs I earned from taking the certification course count towards my CEUs now that I’m certified?

  • CEUs are Continuing Education Units. Therefore, they must be earned after you were certified to be considered continuing education.

  • Can I get a CEU extension?

  • You may purchase a 30-Day CEU extension for $30 at the top of the Renewals page after logging in to our website.

  • Can I submit CEUs from other organizations?

    • Yes, we do accept CEUs from other organizations. Please email the information below. (We do suggest paying your renewal fee & then immediately sending this information as it is your payment that prompts us to review your CEUs.)
      • Title of the training
      • Date of the training
      • How many CEUs it is worth
      • What AIHC® credential(s) you are applying the CEUs to
      • The CEU category it applies to (Core, HIPAA, or Ethics)

    Why does AIHC® require CEUs annually instead of every 2 years like other organizations?

  • We feel it is important to continually learn from and be abreast of current events, recent updates and other news in the ever-changing healthcare field. Our hope is that our clients want to further their education, increase their knowledge and stay relevant in their career. We feel that making CEUs due annually helps towards this mission.

  • What do I need to do to get my credential reinstated? Do I have to take the exam again?

    • To get reinstated, you will renew your membership if it has expired. Then, you will complete a refresher course for $259. In most cases, you do not need to take the proctored certification exam again (but if it has been over a year you may need to).
    • The annual membership renewal fee is $150 and can be paid by logging in to our website and clicking on the “Renew AIHC Membership Now” button on the dashboard.
    • Next, go to the Renewals page, click the Quick Link near the top that reads “Credential lapsed?” and select the refresher course needed to reinstate your credential.
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