Chiropractic coverage varies greatly between health insurance policies with Medicare guidelines being the most misunderstood by chiropractic practices. Documentation and accurately coding claims are critical, specifically CPT, required modifiers and appropriate compliant diagnosis coding. This short online program reviews audit and investigation guidelines, OIG and DOJ audit finding trends, creating audit checklists, documentation and coding requirements. The course is designed for auditors, compliance officers and highly recommended for Chiropractic Providers, their Office Managers, Coders, Billers and Chiropractic Billing Companies.
6 CEUS: This program has been approved for 6 continuing education units by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance for AIHC Certified Professionals. These continuing education units may be applied towards the Core (4 CEUs) and Ethics (2 CEUs) Categories for CEU Renewal Requirements for the following AIHC credentials: ICDCT-CM Certified Trainer, CHA (Certified Healthcare Auditor), CIFHA (Certified Internal Forensic Healthcare Auditor), CHBS (Certified Healthcare Billing Specialist), CHCM (Certified Healthcare Collections Manager), CMDP (Certified Medical Documentation Professional), COCAS (Certified Outpatient Clinical Appeals Specialist), CORCM (Certified Outpatient Revenue Cycle Manager) and OHCC (Officer of Healthcare Compliance, Certified).
Member Price: $75 – must be logged in to register.
Non-Member Price: $75