Healthcare Auditing for Compliance: Plan – Execute – Report – Corrective Action
Compliance should be the focus of all your audit functions. Learn how technology is changing the landscape of audits, creating and leading the audit team, planning and executing the audit which includes sample size, gap analysis, the 20 basic audit principles, signature requirements, CMS program integrity principles, root-cause-analysis, cause and effect analysis, working under attorney-client privilege and evaluating self-disclosures. This online education is designed for experienced Compliance Officers, Auditors, Coders, and others responsible for auditing and monitoring for healthcare compliance. Enroll, train, and earn the Certified Healthcare Auditor (CHASM) credential today. The American Institute of Healthcare Compliance is a Licensing/Certification Partner w/CMS.
18 CEUs: This Auditing for Compliance course has been approved for 18 continuing education units by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance for Certified Professionals. These continuing education units may be applied towards the Core, HIPAA, and Ethics Category CEU Renewal Requirements for the following credentials: CHASM (take as a refresher at a reduced price), CIFHA, CHCO, COCAS, CORCM and OHCC. They may also be applied towards the Core and Ethics Category CEU Renewal Requirements for the following credentials: ICDCT-CM, and ICDCT-PCS.
Member Price: $750 – must be logged in to register.
Non-Member Price: $1250