CPOE – Computerized Provider Order Entry
According to the National Library of Medicine, medication errors are among the most common medical errors, and Adverse Drug Events, or ADEs, account for more than 3.5 million physician office visits and 1 million ED visits annually. This comprehensive course is designed to train medical office or outpatient unlicensed medical assistants entering orders into a computerized system. It is also a great refresher for licensed nurses and certified medical assistants performing assistive services to providers and that have sufficient knowledge, experience, and training to properly handle potential errors and clinical alerts that may appear when entering orders into a computerized physician order entry system. We are a Licensing/Certification Partner w/CMS.
18 CEUs: This program has been approved for 18 continuing education units by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance for AIHC(R) Certified Professionals.
Member Price: $295 – must be logged in to register.
Non-Member Price: $295