Evaluation and Management (E/M) Coding and Documentation is a compliance-based short course designed to improve the quality of medical record documentation associated with filing pro-fee (1500) claims. Training is intended for providers, Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) professionals, coders, billers, auditors and health plan Special Investigation Unit (SIU) auditors.
6 Core CEUs This program has been approved for 6 continuing education units by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance for AIHC® certified professionals. These continuing education units may be applied to complete Core CEU requirements for the following professionals: Certified Healthcare Auditors (CHA); Clinical Documentation Improvement Professionals (CMDP); Certified Outpatient Clinical Appeals Specialists (COCAS); Certified Outpatient Revenue Cycle Managers (CORCM).
Member Price: $75 – must be logged in to register.
Non-Member Price: $75