Right of Access Compliance Course – Refresher

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This package is for professionals who need to reinstate their CRASSM credential, not to certify – (or, if you certified a while ago, take this course as a refresher and earn CEUs for your next renewal!)

Earn all the required CEUs needed to reinstate.  Please contact the Renewals Department to be sure you qualify before purchasing  – A great price for (12) AIHC CEUs!

Refresher Courses are for reinstatement of credentialed – Members ONLY – must be logged in to register.

Right of Access is a requirement under HIPAA, Public Law 104-191.  Right of access is abiding by the rules of patient release of information rights.  Workforce compliance training to federal and state privacy rules will help mitigate the risk of a HIPAA breach and lower the risk of a complaint filed with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) triggering an investigation resulting in potential penalties, settlements or even criminal charges against your organization. Successful completion of the program earns 12 AHIMA and 12 AIHC(R) Continuing Education Units (CEUs).   We are a Licensing/Certification Partner w/CMS.

OCR Update and 2024 Priorities – Click to view and/or download

Sponsored by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance (AIHC) AIHC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and an internationally recognized leader in healthcare compliance training and certification.

12 CEUs: This program has been approved for 12 continuing education units by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance for Certified Professionals. These continuing education units may be applied towards the HIPAA and Ethics categories for ALL AIHC(R)credentialed members and Core for, CHA,

12 CEUs – This program has been approved for 12 continuing education units for use in fulfilling the continuing education requirements of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Granting prior approval from AHIMA does not constitute endorsement of the program content or its program sponsor. Core Content Hours Approved: Information Protection: Access, Disclosure, Archival, Privacy and Security: 12

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