HITECH Compliance

Written by: Nancie Lee Cummins, CFE, CHA, CIFHA, OHCC, CHCM, CHCO, CORCM   

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How to Handle Passwords Like a Boss!

Written by: J. David Sims, CHITSP, CHMSP, Managing Partner at Security First IT,

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Is Sharing EHR Passwords a Problem?

Written by: Joanne Byron, BS, LPN, CCA, CHA, CHCO, CHBS, CHCM, CIFHA, CMDP,

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Scenarios That Can Lead to HIPAA Violations – Are you doing anything to avoid them?

Written by: Salman Rashid HIPAA, which stands for the Health Insurance Portability

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Cybersecurity Is Not an IT Issue

Why it takes more than technology to defend your organizationWritten by J.

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