Written by Joanne Byron, BS, LPN, CCA, CHA, CHCO, CHBS, CHCM, CIFHA, CMDP, OHCC, ICDCT-CM/PCS of the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance (AIHC),

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Part 2 in a series of articles to support World Elder Abuse Awareness   Warning Signs of Elder Physical, Sexual, Psychological Abuse, Abandonment and

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Authored by Corliss Collins, BSHIM, RHIT, CRCR, CSM, CCA, CBCS, CPDC   Founder. Principal and Managing Consultant      This is Part 7 in

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Written by Corliss Collins, BSHIM, RHIT, CRCR, CSM, CCA, CBCS, CPDC   Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) are hot topics in

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Written by: Nancie Lee Cummins, CFE, CHA, CIFHA, OHCC, CHCM, CHCO, CORCM         This article provides an overview of Health Information Technology

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Why do interviewees try to deceive you?   Written by Meric Craig Bloch, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Financial Crime Specialist, Certified Compliance and Ethics

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Lessons Learned about Consequences & Incentives Submitted by the AIHC Education Department    Introduction   The Office of Inspector General has released the new General

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This article provides an introduction to Artificial Intelligence, large multi-modal models and the impact on health care.  This information is not intended as

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This article provides a basic overview of Artificial Intelligence, Telehealth, Asynchronous Services and HIPAA privacy concerns.  This information is not intended as legal

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Written by:  Corliss Collins, BSHIM, RHIT, CRCR, CSM, CCA, CBCS, CPDC, Sheryn Honest, MBA, MLS, CHCO, CHA, CPC, Wendy Bartko, CPC, CEMC, CPMA,

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